Businesses are Overwhelmed with Data Management — Blockchain Can Help

3 min readSep 18, 2020


Businesses know that if they haven’t already migrated to the cloud, they need to do it as soon as possible. Why? Because data is no longer just names and numbers. Data is EVERYTHING.

  • Data is a heart rate from a pacemaker that transmits to doctors using IoT devices.
  • Data is the whereabouts of some manufacturing parts ordered from a distant supplier.
  • Data is the personal information people give a bank or government agency (and any number of other places) to prove their legitimacy.
  • Data is workout stats and calories that are sent from a smartwatch to an application.
  • Data is a fire safety system in your office that transmits to local authorities.
  • Data is every online contact you ever had with your customers and business partners.

This list could go on forever. Every aspect of your business is saturated with hundreds if not thousands of data points. Some of this data belongs to your customer, some is proprietary to your business, some must be reported to tax authorities. Much of this data comes from outside sources, such as with your company’s partners and service providers, as well as with Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

If data is all these things (and so much more), three major questions remain:

  1. How can enterprises be sure that data from outside sources and IoT devices can be trusted?
  2. What happens when data moves from one system to the next?
  3. What structures are in place to ensure the integrity of data?

In the past, cloud management systems have employed public and private clouds so businesses could separate out data that was public and private. But the sheer amount of data and the ever growing number of data sources in the modern world brings significant complexity into the cloud environment.

Arckadl streamlines and secures the process of managing cloud data by enabling a hybrid deployment for businesses that ensures data can be trusted. Enterprises entering the Arckadl ecosystem have choices about their customer’s data. Private and public blockchains are utilized to secure, automate and economize the exchange of data flowing in and out of your business every second, in accordance with your company’s needs.

Through the use of advanced automation systems like blockchain technology, AI and Machine Learning, Arckadl has created a solution to combat today’s expensive, complex cloud management systems and migrations.

Arckadl’s Blockchain Session Controller — Main Features

Arcakdl’s blockchain-based cloud infrastructure handles all the different types of data with a streamlined process so that data can be trusted and utilized economically, so businesses can get back to what they do best — innovating.

The three main technology elements that make Arckadl’s solution truly unique are as follows:

  1. Software Defined Data Integrity (SDDI) allows businesses and service providers to choose which data goes to a public or private blockchain. This cutting edge routing solution will bring businesses up to speed when it comes to IoT.
  2. Blockchain Session Controller (BSC) includes private and public blockchain ledgers to increase efficiency while running in real time. The BSC enables businesses to enjoy a high availability data network that protects data flowing from outside sources like IoT devices. Private data is protected through the use of private side chains.
  3. The Cloud Federation gives connectivity between Blockchain Session Controllers supporting interoperability and business to business cooperation.

Enterprises now have access to a blockchain hybrid system that brings cloud management to a new level — one that matches the volume and complexity of data today.

Visit today to learn more.




Written by ARCKADL Inc

Arckadl is a global company with an enduring commitment to the foundation of all trusted ecosystems using blockchain technology.

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